The biggest question students of any academic discipline ask themselves is probably how to finance their studies. Regardless of whether it's a Bachelor's, Master's or state examination. Studying is a financially challenging enterprise. In addition to the costs associated with academic studies ( learning materials, technical supplies), this also naturally includes the costs of everyday life. In addition to rent, food and insurance premiums, this certainly does include a beer or two, because studying is supposed to be fun. In addition to financing through the family, which is regulated in Germany in the Civil Code, studies can also be covered by BAföG or your own financing. Another option that more and more students are adopting is obtaining financial support in the form of a scholarship. As many as 4 per cent of all Germans afford their studies through a scholarship. There are countless foundations in Germany that sponsor students on the basis of various criteria ( discipline, personal background). In addition to the Deutschland-Stipendium, which is the most frequently granted scholarship, there are 13 foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany that are officially recognised and subsidised by the state and assign scholarships. Each of these 13 scholarship foundations belongs to important and prominent social institutions. For example, all parties represented in the Bundestag have their own party-affiliated foundation, but also foundations of all
world religions as well as the labour unions are among them. The foundations are all characterized by unique support, which focuses not only on financial but also on idealistic support, because the central concern of the scholarship programme is to raise up the next generation of political, economical and civic decision-makers. In this context, the scholarship beneficiaries have access to various seminars and workshops that prepare them optimally for their later lives and represent networking opportunities. Applications for gifted scholarships are very competitive and vary from one foundation to the other. Essentially, however, all funding organisations set importance upon outstanding academic results, social engagement as well as the identification with these values represented by the foundation. According to the foundation, a few more criteria may be additionally required.
Beside the 13 foundations for the promotion of gifted students recognised by the BMBF, numerous other economic and social players also grant scholarships to students who fit in with the orientation of the respective provider. For example, the Volkswagen Foundation regularly awards scholarships to students studying engineering. You can find an initial overview of all the foundations and their focus on this page. You will also find links to the websites of the foundations and other useful information.
Further sponsorship opportunities
Besides the 13 foundations for the promotion of highly talented students, there are many other foundations affiliated to the business community and society. Even some cities and municipalities as well as religious institutions offer scholarships.
You can find a complete overview here.